Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Twitter Scandal – Meagan Broussard tells about ‘Anthony Weiner’ pictures

Anthony Weiner, a congressman acknowledged Monday to having unsuitable online relationships with six women. Now, one of those women is speaking out.

Meagan Broussard, a 26-year-old single mother from Texas, says that she replaced numbers of sexually accused pictures, emails, and Facebook mails with Weiner over the course of a month.

It started simply enough, she says. “On April 20, I clicked on his Facebook page that I 'akin to' a video of Rep. Weiner speaking to the crowd of building workers in Washington, DC,” she wrote on Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment.com site, where the photos of Weiener shirtless first showed Monday, timely Weiner's acknowledgement.

“I stated that it was 'hot.' That’s the only method I came into call with him at first.”

From there, he introduced himself to me over Facebook Chat,” she sustained. “Within an hour, we were contributing mails back and forth. It became a daily correspondence.”

Broussard says she alleged Weiner was corresponding with other women. "This is something that's usual, he's completed all the time, he's contented,” she remembered considering when Weiner started corresponding to her, in an interview with Sean Hannity planned to publicize on Fox News Tuesday night.

Broussard told ABC News that she firmed to move ahead out of concerns for her profession and for her 3-year-old daughter, should herself be leaked.

ABC News also said that it "approved" images from Broussard.

“All of this still makes me certainly worried. I reside in a small town. I don’t desire this and all the worries that come with it,” she told on BigGovernment.com. “I was anxious that all of my private mails and pictures were going to appear, and so I came frontward. I just expect to be gone in calm."

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