Indian police have detained eight people for stoning to kill a young couple who had a love affair which met with their displeasure.
The blamed include the parents of the assassinated woman, who died next to her lover. He came from an inferior social group in Uttar Pradesh state.
There have been lots of cases in India where people have been murdered for challenging tradition and family respect. Frequently these crimes are certified, or even encouraged, by village leaders.
In the current incident, police consider that Rajiv Verma and his girlfriend Renu Pal were stoned to death by a crowd of at least 200 people, including several of the girl's relatives.
The police investigation team head told that Renu's mother was alleged of playing a crucial role in the murdering. The couple was killed actually because of the crowd's "shame" that Renu, a student, should fall in love with her teacher, who came from an inferior social group or caste.
The police said that society seniors had cautioned the couple to end their relationship, but three days before their deaths, they ran off jointly.
In previous month Indian Supreme Court notified senior authorities that they could be impeached if they failed to stop such killings from happening.
It has been said that in some cases village committees had cheered or even ordered the killings.
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